Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What was I thinking?

What was I smoking when I thought I could bike aroun the Sea Of Galilee??? Its 21 km long and 55 km circumfrence, do the math in miles, that's long. Not a problem for a 60 degree day in May in NYC, but with the temp near 100 and no shade on the road, I was dying. I started from Tiberius at around 10:30 and got to Tabgha, near Capernum by almost 1. I stopped there at a lovely church for some shade and some cold water refill then continued on to Capernum. Had to miss the Mt of Beatitudes as it was a steep climb and I no my limits.

There is nothing much left of Capernum, just remains of the Synagogue where Jesus would preach, and parts of St Peter's house.

There was a garden in the back with lots of shade to sit and look out on the lake, so I took advantage before heading back.

I finally rolled into Tiberius at around 4, so it was a smart move since the bike shop closed at 6. I ended up just going by the water and having a tall cold beer and just relax by the lake.
Tiberius is a actually a cute lakeside town, a bit of a throwback from the 70s, but endearing all the same.

I rolled into Tel Aviv where my agenda is only to relax. My only requirement is to get my visa from Jordan since its not issued at the particular border I am crossing at.

Then some beach time since I am only 5 mins away, and then dinner with my friend Paulina that I used to know from NYC.

I will probably not be posting tomorrow night, and Friday I cross into Jordan, an all day event to Amman. I will psot that night once settled at my hostel.

Saturday morning is my planned trip to Petra, then Sunday home.

All for now.


1 comment:

  1. 100 degrees! Whoa. . .that's too hot for me. How in the world did you bike in that that heat! I'd be drinking more than one beer. --g---
